
1. 家長必須填寫學童姓名、學校名稱*、身份證號碼(前六個字)、聯絡電郵及電話.

2. 服務僅適用於2-18歲學童.

3. 預約成功後,系統將自動發送確認到已填寫之電郵 (請確保電郵地址正確).

4. 已預約的日期及時間不可更改或取消.

5. 本中心將不會在已預約的日期前作出提示.

6. 是次檢查須由家長或監護人陪同下進行.

7. 家長或監護人於檢查當日須出示學生手冊以核對身份.

8. 是次檢查及講解大約為一小時,請家長或監護人預留時間,並準時出席;如遲到15分鐘,需另再預約時間。.

9. 脊醫當日檢查項目包括: 脊骨側彎、寒背、高低膊、頭部前傾及盤骨前傾.

10. 檢查後如脊醫建議其他跟進安排,本會設「兒童脊科義診計劃」適用於領取 綜援 兒童,如欲申請,請於學童脊科保健檢查當天出示「正本」證明,不接受副本/相片,敬請留意.



1. Parents must fill out student’s name, school*, HKID (First 6 characters and digits) and contact (email and phone number).

2. This service renders to students aged 2-18 or below only.

3. A confirmation will be sent to the email provided after making the appointment. (Please make sure that the email address is correct).

4. A confirmed appointment cannot be changed or cancelled (either date or time).

5. No reminder messages will be sent out to participants.

6. Participants must be accompanied by their parents or guardians.

7. Upon arrival, participants will be asked for their parent's notices and handbooks to confirm their identities.

8. Each session of spinal check takes around one hour to complete. If the participants being late for more than 15 minutes, they need to book another appointment.

9. Spinal check items include Scoliosis, Round Back, High/Low Shoulder, Forward Head Posture and Forward Pelvic Tilt.

10. If the chiropractor recommends follow-up arrangements after the examination, the "Children Complimentary and Concessionary Chiropractic Adjustment Program" is applicable to children who receive CSSA. If you want to apply for the programme, please bring the “original certificate” and show up to our staff if you want to apply to the programme. Copies and photos are not accepted.

* School name is applicable to Straighten Up School Scheme students; otherwise, please tick “Non-Straighten Up School Scheme students".



電話:2388 0802



電話:3487 8110


For any enquiries, pls send email to kidsfirsthk @ccf.hk